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Thrive ADHD Coaching - ADHD & Executive Function Coach
Thrive ADHD Coaching - ADHD & Executive Function Coach
"ADHD is a term that describes a way of being in the world. It is neither entirely a disorder nor entirely an asset. It is an array of traits specific to a unique kind of mind. It can become a distinct advantage or an abiding curse, depending on how a person manages it."
                       Edward Hallowell, M.D. and John Ratey, M.D. in ADHD 2.0
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I love the quote above because it emphasizes that while ADHD involves symptoms that can make life more difficult, these symptoms can be managed and even harnessed in ways that can be beneficial. ADHD coaches work with clients as they push through these challenges to forge a meaningful and satisfying life, working toward their personal goals while gaining self-awareness.


ADHD and its symptoms can be complex: on the one hand, many people with ADHD struggle with focus yet they can hyperfocus at certain times on certain activities. They can be expert-level procrastinators yet they can have periods of extreme productivity. People with ADHD can act impulsively yet they often bring forth thoughtful and innovative ideas to solve the problems that leave everyone else stumped. 


The complexities of ADHD as well as the variability of symptoms among people with ADHD can make this a complex diagnosis, but personalized ADHD coaching including executive function skill development can help to alleviate these challenges. At Thrive ADHD Coaching, we take a strengths-based approach, harnessing each client's interests, values, and strengths to overcome the challenges related to having ADHD. 







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Strengths of ADHD

Intelligence and Intuition

Creativity and Imagination

Empathy and Kindness

Keen Sense of Humor

Periods of High Energy

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ADHD and Executive Function


Many researchers and physicians believe ADHD to be a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by structural, chemical, and functional differences in the brain that primarily affect the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain responsible for executive function. These impairments can include challenges with the following, though everyone with ADHD is different:


  • Organization

  • Procrastination

  • Task Initiation

  • Self Awareness

  • Sustaining Focus

  • Prioritization

  • Planning

  • Impulse Control

  • Delaying Gratification

  • Time Awareness

  • Cognitive Flexibility

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Sensitivity to Perceived Criticism

  • Working Memory

  • Mental Rumination

  • Stress Tolerance


ADHD is now understood to be a lifelong condition with a strong genetic component. People with ADHD typically have a slower rate of maturation than their peers, though with support, they can thrive despite these challenges. Multimodal treatment has a high rate of success in reducing the severity of these symptoms.


People with ADHD are not lazy and they are not incapable. In fact, they often expend more effort and energy than their peers to accomplish the same tasks. Working with a certified ADHD coach helps individuals with ADHD enhance their executive function skills, enabling them to achieve both personal and academic goals.



drawing of a student studying but we only see their back they are using a laptop and there
symptoms of adhd checklist

ADHD and Executive
Function Coaching

At Thrive ADHD Coaching, we address a wide range of symptoms and challenges commonly faced by our clients, particularly students. It's not unusual for them to arrive with a variety of significant obstacles. After an initial Intake and Planning session, we tackle these challenges one by one, tailoring our approach to meet each client's unique needs.


Our coaching incorporates skill-focused learning modules and a supportive, non-judgmental environment, empowering clients to make meaningful progress toward their goals while enhancing their executive function skills. We aim to foster self-awareness and independence, enabling our clients to develop autonomy and thrive in their personal and academic pursuits. Ultimately, our goal is to support individuals as they design the tools they need to overcome ADHD related challenges successfully.

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ADHD and Executive Function Coach for Students

Austin, Texas + Anywhere in the World (virtually)

©2024 by Thrive ADHD Coaching

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